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Task Force Topics - TIJF Facebook Live Recordings

Beth Medina, CEO of the Innocent Justice Foundation interviews Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commanders on Facebook Live at 10am on the second Monday of every month, supporting education and outreach about important topics that parents, guardians and community members need to know to help keep children safe on the internet. Below are link to the recordings of these discussions. If you would like to watch one live, join us on our Facebook page HERE.

Movement & Mental Health

Jenna McKay, our HART Program Coordinator, discusses how movement is a key component in maintaining well-being with Barefoot Movers founder, Rodrigo Gallego.

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Child Internet Safety

Beth Medina, our CEO, has a conversation with one of our favorite people, Eric Oldenburg, retired member of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. They will be discussing topics related to child safety and the true nature of crimes against children.

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We are joined by Founding Member of Raven Board of Directors, Alan Flora to discuss Raven and it’s multifaceted approach to transforming our nation’s response to child exploitation. We are looking forward to hearing about its accomplishments since its inception one year ago.

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Connection & How It Relates to Your Mental Health

We discuss with Eric Oldenburg, retired member of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, the importance of connection and how it particularly supports the mental health of those in victim serving work. Eric retired from the Phoenix Police Department in 2018 after 24 years of service, the last 15 years of which he…

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What Is Vicarious Trauma?

We have a discussion with Eric Oldenburg about vicarious trauma and the importance of seeking mental health support before a minor problem because a major mental health crisis. Eric retired from the Phoenix Police Department in 2018 after 24 years of service, the last 15 years of which he was assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. From 2018 until 2023 Eric worked for Griffeye Inc. who develops software for child crimes…

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We speak with Wendy Waddell, the Program Manager of SafetyNet, a program made possible through a partnership between the San Diego Police Department’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force and the San Diego Police Foundation. The SafetyNet® program is an innovative public-private partnership that provides cyber-safety training to children, teachers, parents and concerned community members.

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SafetyNet: Smart Cyber Choices

We speak with Wendy Waddell, the Program Manager of SafetyNet, a program made possible through a partnership between the San Diego Police Department’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force and the San Diego Police Foundation. The SafetyNet® program is an innovative public-private partnership that provides cyber-safety training to children, teachers, parents and concerned community members.

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What Is Self-Production?

We talk with David Frattare, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commander, about self-production, when kids post things on the internet that can used against them, and what parents and guardians need to know.

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It’s Not Child Porn!

Many refer to child sexual abuse material as “child pornography”. It is not, and it’s not “just semantics”. Language matters! We discuss this point with Eric Oldenburg, who retired from the Phoenix Police Department in 2018 after 24 years of service, the last 15 years of which he was assigned to the ICAC Task Force. From 2018 until 2023 Eric worked for Griffeye Inc. who develops software for child crimes investigators to help identify known…

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The Ripple Effect of Vicarious Trauma

Often because of indirect exposure to the trauma of others, individuals may experience similar symptoms as the victim or survivor. We discuss the ripple effect of vicarious trauma with TIJF trainer Jean McAllister, owner of JGM Consulting LLC, who has more than 30 years of experience working to address trauma and interpersonal violence.

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Sextortion & Catfishing

Sometimes relationships on the internet are not what you think. What can you do if it happens to you?

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Supporting the Mental Health of First Responders

Heroes in our community all embrace their responsibility “to preserve and protect “ and take care of others…but how do we take care of them? We discuss with Ronald Rufo, 22-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, his recent book talking about the importance of seeking mental health intervention before a minor problem becomes a major mental health crisis.

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Stories of Resilience

A discussion with Alan Flora, retired ICAC Commander and TIJF trainer about the importance of building resilience, and how our SHIFT and HART programs have helped.

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What is Vicarious Trauma

Heroes in helping roles often pay an emotional cost for their service. Learn how exposure to traumatic materials and events, and even victim stories, can effect law enforcement and other victim serving professionals.

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Anxiety & Stress in Children Returning to In-person Learning

We discuss signs of anxiety & stress in children as they return to in-person learning; how prolonged anxiety and stress can cause children to be more vulnerable to grooming and abuse; and offer ideas of how to help children reset with simple steps to reduce stress, and increase happiness and peace of mind.

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Back to School Safely

We chat with Heather Durkac, the VP of Safety Operations at Gaggle about things to think about as the new school year begins.

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Safety Online: Why Youth Are Not Reporting Online Abuse to Trusted Adults

Recently an alarming report by the Thorn organization was released, suggesting youth are having potentially harmful and often sexual interactions with adults in shocking numbers online. This same report enlightens our community about the choices youth are making in trying to combat the issue, and very often they do not go to trusted adults for…

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Cyber Tips

We talk with Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commanders on the topic of Cyber Tips. What are they? How to make a report? They will discuss the entire process.

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What is it? Where does it happen? How do you report it? 

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Grooming II

We continue the discussion on grooming with Anthony Maez, Special Agent in Charge / ICAC Commander at New Mexico Attorney General.

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How do predators cultivate trust with children online and at home?

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Red Flags

What re the red flags you can look for to help a child being exploited and abused?

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Stories of Success

Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Commanders discuss recovering and rescuing kids, and how certain experiences have impacted their sense of mission.

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Vicarious Trauma

Heroes in helping roles often pay an emotional cost for their service. Learn how exposure to child exploitation materials, traumatic events, and even victim stories can affect law enforcement and other professionals.

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Grooming II

We continue the discussion, covering how predators cultivate trust with children online and at home. What do you do if you think it is happening to your child? 

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Cover the topic of grooming and how predators cultivate trust with children online.

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Back to School Safety

Things to think about as the new school year begins.

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Self-Production II

We continue the discussion about how self-produced exploitative materials can have many consequences and what parents need to know.

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When kids post things on the internet that can be used against them, and what parents and guardians need to know.

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Keeping Children Safe

Interview with two Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commanders about keeping children safe from predators on the internet.

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Project Safe Childhood

What is happening now on the internet that can endanger children.

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Our programs are here to help, because losing any professional to burn-out, severe depression, substance abuse or suicide is unnecessary, tragic, and preventable.
This is why we do what we do.