We are grateful for your support!
Victim serving work takes an emotional toll, and exposure to violent materials and events, or victim stories is a requirement of many first-responder & health and human service professions. Vicarious trauma can be catastrophic, resulting in depression, burn-out, and sometimes suicide.
With your contributions, our organization is able to offer mental health and wellness training and resources to support professionals exposed to vicarious trauma in the work environment. Psycho-educational programs are crucial in helping exposed individuals learn how to recognize vicarious trauma and cope with problems before they become severe or permanent. By doing this work, we support highly trained professionals which helps to keep them in their jobs, supporting those in need and working to keep our communities safer.
We send a huge thank you to Catalytic Risk for matching the first $2500 we raised and supporting our efforts for two years in a row! This year our Giving Tuesday Campaign raised over $6000, funds that will aid us in our efforts to support the heroes so they can save more children.
On behalf of the entire Innocent Justice Team, we thank you again!
Lori Johnson,
Outreach and Development Coordinator