The End of the Year Is Near
by Michele Sippel
2023 is coming to an end and most households are gearing up for the holidays with their loved ones. If you are like me, you host all the holiday events, and look forward to old traditions, starting new traditions, the family recipes, and some down time. But with all the joy, it can also bring some added stress or burnout. The holiday season is meant to bring joy and a sense of peace, so why does it feel like the most stressful time of the year versus the most wonderful time of the year?
While planning for the end of the year and the holidays ahead, set aside time for yourself and set limits on the number of activities you will attend. To manage your stress levels, it is important to have realistic expectations of yourself and others. Holidays are meant to be a fun, enjoyable time with friends and family and by prioritizing your time and taking care of yourself you will help ease your stress and maintain a positive attitude.
It can be difficult for some to actually enjoy this time of year because there is so much to do and so many people to reach out to along the way. Look for ways to lower your stress going into this season and the New Year by keeping your routine regular, taking moments to pause and reflect, not taking on too many additional tasks, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if necessary.
A positive way to approach the New Year is to take time to look back and reflect on the past 12 months, what has happened, what you have accomplished, and what you would like to change for the new year. Each new year can bring new beginnings as well as new opportunities, and really challenge you. Whether you are someone who likes to make new year resolutions or just go with the flow, you can look forward with optimism that will produce goals and great accomplishments.
I suggest choosing ways to minimize the impact of stress on the body and treat your body well. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, create a realistic routine that will help you prevent stress and create healthy habits. This way you can learn to check in with your feelings, observe your ups and downs, do a brain dump, press pause, find time for new things, take a wellness break outside, and just know when to let the small stuff go!
Here are a few resources:
Forbes: Need Help Managing the End of Year Stress?
Mayo Clinic: 9 Tips to Fend Off Holiday Stress
Verywellmind: 10 New Years Resolutions For Stress Release