Task Force Topics: Stories of Resilience
Join us on Facebook Live on Monday, December 13, 2021 at 10 AM PST, to discuss stories of resilience with Alan Flora, retired ICAC Commander and TIJF trainer. Professionals in helping careers often experience vicarious trauma from their exposure to traumatic materials and events. Since 2009, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force teams across the…
Read MoreTask Force Topics: What Is Vicarious Trauma?
Join us on Facebook Live on Monday, November 22, 2021 at 10 AM PST to discuss vicarious trauma with Jean McAllister, an independent consultant and trainer with more than 30 years of experience working to address trauma and interpersonal violence. Heroes in helping roles often pay an emotional cost for their service. Learn how exposure…
Read MoreTask Force Topics: Signs of Anxiety and Stress in Children Returning to In-Person Learning
Join us on Facebook Live, Monday October 18, 2021 at 10AM PST, for this discussion with Carol S. Brusca, a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and the contract therapist for the New Mexico Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. We’ll discuss signs of anxiety and stress in children as they return to in-person learning; how prolonged…
Read MoreTask Force Topics: Back To School Safely
Join us on Facebook Live, Monday September 13, 2021 at 10 AM Pacific Time, for a discussion with Heather Durkac, the Vice President of Operations for Gaggle, a safety management company that has been supporting student safety and well-being for more than 20 years. Gaggle is a pioneer in helping K-12 districts manage student safety…
Read MoreTask Force Topics: Safety Online
Join us on Facebook Live, Monday August 9, 2021 at 10 AM Pacific Time, for a discussion with Internet Crimes Against Children Commander Anthony Maez about online safety. Keeping children safe on the internet is harder than you think, and safety issues on many online platforms are worse than you think. Recently an alarming report…
Read MoreTask Force Topics: Cyber Tips
Join us on Facebook Live, Monday July 12, 2021 at 10 AM Pacific Time, for a discussion with Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commander David Frattare on Cyber Tips. How do you report online abuse? Where do tips go? What else should you know?
Read MoreTask Force Topics: Sextortion
Join us on Facebook Live on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 10 AM Pacific Time, for a discussion with Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commanders on the topic of Sectortion. What is it? What can you do about it if it happens to you?
Read MoreTask Force Topics: Grooming
Join us on Facebook Live on Monday, April 12, 2021 at 10 AM Pacific Time, for a discussion with Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commanders on the topic of Grooming. What is it, and how do predators build trust with children?
Read MoreTask Force Topics: Red Flags
Join us on Facebook Live on Monday, March 8, 2021 at 10 AM Pacific Time, for a discussion with Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commanders about the red flags that could be a sign of abuse or exploitation of a child.
Read MoreTask Force Topics: The Dark Web
Join us on Facebook Live on February 8th at 10 AM Pacific Time, for a discussion with Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Commanders about the dark web. What is it? What do we need to know about it? How is it used to harm children?
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